Lawrence Manning writes:
> Well, with threads you can spread the load across CPUs.  So it is not just
> a convience for the programmer.  Afterall, the original poster bought up
> the matter of big boxes with lots of slow processors.

Right, but we should also bear in mind the a) "typical" flightgear
platform, b) the fact that the bulk of the flightgear application work
is in rendering the 3d display, c) the practical problems that things
like opengl and our property system is not thread safe, d) the
complexity and subtle bugs that threading *very* often introduces when
added to large complex applications.

I don't want to add a bunch of threads if the only reason is that
threads looked cool and fun when we studied them in a computer science
class, and there is one person with a machine that could benefit.

If someone does want to go thread crazy, please do it in a fork of the
source code.  I'd be interested in hearing the results and any issues
or problems that were encountered as well as any performance gains

> The only way to utilise those is with multiple threads and/or
> processes.  But I'm definetly not suggesting that fg would gain alot
> through threads, because the biggest job (rendering) is not
> suitable.

Did anyone say if this multi-cpu machine had an accelerated opengl
graphics system?  If it doesn't then this whole discussion is
pointless. :-)

> LOL, okay.  Stumped :) Hey how about no display at all...

You can almost do that ...

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    curt 'at'             curt 'at'

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