Jim Wilson wrote:
Melchior FRANZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

That would be =all= repeatable bindings then.
The change of view direction/elevation simulates head
movement. Braking simulates feet movement on pedals. Mixture ...
you get the point. Every set of repeatable buttons emulates (analog)
human-machine interaction. I cannot imagine why head movement should
be ten times as fast on a faster machine. It's still the same pilot.

Not all pilots are the same. Some heads are faster than others.

That's a completely separate issue.

And even
though some like to use the mouse for trim wheels, I like the joystick hat. And I like it speedy and high resolution for accurate trimming.

Lets just do it with the bindings that are presenting real problems, and stop
worrying about slowing down the fast machines so they match the slower machines.

I don't agree.

I've completed the patch (took less time than writing these last two emails on
the subject).

All you need to do is specify:

for the binding in question and you will get a 20 per second repeat rate.

It works. If this makes sense to anyone besides myself, I'll submit the patch.

It only makes sense to me as a temporary improvement over the status quo. I don't think it makes sense for any repeatable bindings NOT to have a known rate of change (either fixed step size and fixed update frequency, or fixed rate of change with a variable update frequency).

But I haven't written code to implement what I'm saying.

- Julian

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