On 5 Jul 2003 20:19:21 GMT, 
Martin Spott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

> "Jon Berndt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I know (and can appreciate) that there is some sensitivity to
> > warfare kinds of themes in FlightGear.  However, I wonder if there
> > might be some acceptance of re-enactments of WWI/WWII dogfighting
> > tactics - for historical research and education, etc.
> Even though it's already part of history (a very burdensome history
> for us Germans! ) I'd prefer to see David's idea of a cone realized
> that you have to stay inside for a certain amount of time. Reno air
> race would be fine, too.
> Although I'm partially fascinated by the technique employed in modern
> military aircraft I have a strong antipathy against war games. This
> probably has to do with the fact that we Germans - o.k., not all but
> at quite a few of us - still are in the process of bearing the blame
> that earlier generations brought over the German nation,

..true.  The fact _is_ however that war games _are_ fun, fun enough to
draw in _millions_ from gamers, and even pacifists play Quake, Counter
Strike, Half Life etc, check out _any_ damned LAN party.  

..and, gun support _is_ gonna come, either here or in a fork, you 
like it or not.

..the real thing, military service can also be fun, and I did 22 months 
and I saw _no_ reason ;-) to confuse anyone with the 6'th Commandment, 
strict adherance to it cause 5 times greater military damage to the
enemy than the sin, _and_ keeps everyone and their families happy, those
on the wrong side don't have the freedom of choice, other than where to
put their bullets.  (And, boy _was_I_lucky_, the Russians defeated the 
Soviet Union and cancelled WWIII.  ;-) )

..statistics shows it takes an average 250 to 400 rounds to down an 
enemy soldier in infantery field combat, in Vietnam the US GI's dropped 
their ammo expenditure into the 2-digits region, this is credited (or 
blamed) onto Hollywood type TV shows, where the average kid sees 1400 
firearm kills and _no_ sex.  ;-)  

..the cause of this ammo extravaganza is human civilization, soldiers
are simply reluctant to kill each other, in the muzzleloader age, in
Battle of Gettysburg, 95% of the rifles found on the field, were still
loaded, 25% were not fired before being _re_-loaded, an average 2 times
to put 3 charges into it, one guy managed to stuff 10! charges into his
pipe bomb without blowing up his platoon, before he was shot.

..about a year ago, some anti-war activists organized sabotage against 
Counter Strike gamers, where they would join gamer teams, and then 
either shoot their own team mates in the back, or commit suicide in 
a rather tasteless style, disrupting the game to "convince the gamers 
war is bad".

..we _all_agree_ war crime is _bad_.  (Unfortunately, 
it _usually_ takes a war to stop war crime.)

..these above facts gave me the idea that the 4 Geneva Conventions 
and their Protocols Additional, and the Hague Convention on warfare, 
_should_ be used as _the_ guidelines, to code kill score rules for 
_all_ combat games.

..to maximize your "kill score" under such a score rule set, would 
encourage combat gamers to _learn_ about them.

..I rather firmly believe this will help weed out war crimes, by 
simply training these gamers to maximize their "kill score" using 
the Hague and the 4 Geneva Conventions, as combat weapons, and 
thus make _better_ soldiers out of these pacifist war gamers.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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