On Friday 18 July 2003 04:06, Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> I have implimented a first stab at an instant replay system and have
> just commited it to CVS.  The system continuously records your flight
> data and allows you to play back your flight.
> Saving flight data at full resolution can quickly burn up a lot of
> RAM, so at the moment, only the most recent 60 seconds is stored at
> full resolution.  The next most recent 10 minutes is stored at a
> resolution of one snap shot every 0.5 seconds.  The most recent hour
> of data is stored at a resolution of one snap shot every 5 seconds.
> (We might need/want to tune these values a bit as we use the system
> more.)  However, this gives the most resolution to the most recent
> portion of the flight, and can save up to an hour's worth of flight
> data without using a huge amount of memory.
> Each snapshot is time stamped with the simulation time.  During
> replay, the system finds the two snapshots that straddle the replay
> time and linearly interpolates between them.  This way, we can record
> the data as best as is possible given the current rendering speed,
> even with varying frame rates with possible lost frames and aren't
> forced to take extraordinary measures to get a consistent sampling
> rate.  Then when the data is replayed, this interpolation scheme gives
> us smooth playback even if the recorded frame rate is wildly (or
> slightly) different from the playback frame rate.  This also gives us
> smooth interpolation for older data that is recorded at a slower rate.
> And we can play back the recorded flight at a rate that has a 1 to 1
> match with "real" time.
> This scheme would also allow us to smoothly fast forward the replay,
> or replay in super smooth "Slo-Mo-Gear" (patent pending) :-) We could
> probably also rewind as well as fast forward if we really wanted to.
> For the moment, I have bound the "r" key to the instant replay
> function.  This will replay whatever is in the buffer.  Upon
> completion, you are left in "pause" mode at the point where you
> activated the instant replay.  Just "unpause" and you can continue the
> flight.
> This whole thing is just crying for a gui/dialog box to control it
> all.  Any volunteers?
> I'm guessing that all the kinks are not yet quite worked out.  You'll
> likely run into one or two ...  The sim is put into "pause" mode while
> the buffer data is replayed.  This has some side effects because many
> subsystems do not run when the simulator is paused.  This needs to be
> looked at a bit more.  Specifically some of the viewer code isn't run.
> You can switch views with the "v" series of keys, but you can't rotate
> a particular view with shift-number pad, and the chase views don't
> track quite right in replay mode.
> Also, I don't and can't and won't record "everything".  This means
> things like AI or multiplayer traffic, weather conditions, and other
> things are beyond the scope of this system at this time.
> Regards,
> Curt.
> -- 
> Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
> Twin Cities    curt 'at' me.umn.edu             curt 'at' flightgear.org
> Minnesota      http://www.menet.umn.edu/~curt   http://www.flightgear.org

The replay seems ok on a quick check here - no immediately obvious problems.

The autopilot altitude hold seems a bit messed up though since yesterday - 
quite bad porpoising - I checked that with the 747, a4, c-172 and a couple of 
mine.  Terrain following still seems ok though.  I doubt this is due to the 
replay stuff.


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