David Culp wrote:
> > > > ... Would it be possible to make the increment
> > > > aircraft dependant, instead of global ( I need here of a 0.25
> > > > increment ) ?
> I add this to the -set file for the 737:


Thank you David. That do it.
Could you explain the syntax of the part in the jsbsim config file :

     <COMPONENT NAME="Flaps Control" TYPE="KINEMAT">
       INPUT        fcs/flap-cmd-norm
       DETENTS      9
                    0        0
                    1        4
                    2        4
                    5        3
                    10       3
                    15       3
                    25       3
                    30       2
                    40       2
       OUTPUT      fcs/flap-pos-deg

What is the second column ? I guess the first is the flap defection.


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