James Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Now, on with the nit-picking. Note many things I'm going to suggest 
> probably require some level of C++ coding (even if it's just exposing 
> more properties), and given sufficient arm-twisting I might even look 
> at them myself. I've looked over the panel files, but I find the 
> relation between the 3d models and the panel a bit hard to grasp...

Are you talking about the xml files for 3d animation?  The "objects" refered
to in the xml are specific polys on the display.  For example the apalt1 on
the PDF might refer to the first digit on the AP Altitude setting display,
apalt2 the second digit.  For the most part they are numbered right to left,
where 1 is the rightmost digit.

> Also note my 'experience' is based on the PMDG 777 for Fly!, but I 
> assume Boeing glass cockpits don't vary much.
> - The PFD auto-pilot annunciation is lacking supported for armed modes 
> (in white, rather than green text). Eg, when in heading mode, and 
> engaging a NAV mode to intercept a VOR radial, NAV should be displayed 
> in white above (below?) the still-green HDG until the radial is 
> intersected.
> And the more common case, in V/S mode, heading towards a commanded ALT, 
> ALT should be displayed in white. The whole reason I'm writing this is 
> because I subconsciously found it very disturbing to enter a target 
> altitude and not see ALT there in white (I've obviously spent way too 
> much time with the PMDG 777 in Fly!).

This is the way it should work.  But I don't have the ARM displays in there
yet.  BTW when waiting for NAV intercept is it just HDG (and not HDG SEL)
annunciated?  IIRC selecting NAV in the autopilot currently sets the aircraft
on a course 60 degrees off the radial.  When it hits the radial it switches to
a heading that follows the radial.  There is some voodoo I put in there a long
time ago to make sure the 747 didn't overfly the radial.  Any suggestions on
how this mode should actually work?  Also, at what point (degrees from
radial?) is the radial considered "intercepted"?

> - The speed trend indicator bar is missing; obviously this requires 
> code and probably FMS interaction to be accurate, though I suspect a 
> first order approximation [trend-velocity = velocity + 
> (current_acceleration * 5.0)] would be enough. Again, it wasn't till I 
> sat and thought about this I realized it was missing, but it made my 
> flying much worse (on a manual throttle)

Actually the autothrottle is now outputing a trend value.  I'm just not sure
exactly how the graphics should look.
> And now a couple of 'please's
> - I really need a visual indicator of flap position, either the lever 
> itself or the EFIS page showing the flap 'bar'. And related to that, is 
> the 747 missing some detents? I'd expect 1,2,5,10,15,25 (and maybe 
> 40?). It seems like there's only three detents at the moment, and I 
> keep ballooning on approach picking the wrong one.
> [anyone who points out a good visual indicator of flap position would 
> be switching to the external view gets a sullen look from me]

I'll be doing an EICAS display that will have that.  Also there's a center
console thing,  not sure when the center console will get done.

> Oh and, if we're being clever, updating the safe Vmax marker on the 
> speed-tape based on the current flap setting would be wonderful (yes, 
> I'm a lazy person who uses that to schedule flap retraction on 
> climb-out). But of course, this requires code and aircraft-dependent 
> data (though maximum rated speed for each flap setting is usually given 
> in pilot manuals)

I'm not sure what this should look like, and how it works.  Pics and more info
would help.

> When we finally get an FMS, it will of course compute notches on the 
> speed tape for flap retraction, given the gross weight of the aircraft 
> and so on .... but that's *a lot* of C++ coding.
> - I *really*, *really* need the ADF indicator on the NAV display. 
> Especially intersecting an ILS localizer, I keep over-shooting because 
> the 747 turns so slowly, when normally I'd use a handy ADF to work out 
> when I'm almost on the glideslope and hence start turning in.

Again,  I need more info.  I'm not really sure what it should look like or how
it should work.  If you can help, I'll add the features.

We might need to have "instrument" modules for each display and the MCP
eventually.  For example on the EICAS the Flap display is supposed to go away
10 seconds after full retraction.  That would be an intrument module feature.

Also an FMS module would obviously be helpful at least for calculating certain
values based on inputs.  To start with this could be done using the GUI
interface (a dialog for each page).  I'd also be able to add things like
thrust level control and flare to the autopilot if I knew how they were
supposed to work.
> Anyway, that's more than enough nit-picking. I'll go back to lurking 
> and bouncing the 747 down runways..

Nit picking is great!  What I've done so far is really based on very little
knowledge. Any help figuring this out is more than welcome.



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