If you are on a local network I would say "go head and use UDP." If you need to span a corporate or university network (or the internet) then the chance for packet loss gets too high for my comfort and would revert back to TCP. When I have used UDP it has been isolated to a single subnet or well controlled set of subnets. Also, look at the network loading. IMHO, if your network loading is > 30% then I would mark it as unreliable for UDP.

Jonathan Polley

p.s. for CDMA networks (10base2, 10base5, and 10baseT using a hub), the rule of thumb was: if your wire is > 20% loaded it is saturated.

On Sunday, August 3, 2003, at 04:43 PM, Paul Morriss wrote:

I was think considering the choice of network protocol
for a scenario server I am considering (see old posts
for more details), I am not sure if "fire it and hope
for the best" is the best system for a scenario

I would have suggested broadcasting but I found a
higher probability of network storms in prior


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