Frederic BOUVIER writes:
> Hmmm. I just redid some testing with a different current directory (c:/)
> and an absolute FG_ROOT (d:/flightgear/cvs/fgfsbase) and I don't
> see any problem.

Hmmm.... how are you launching FGFS
> Can you tell me what is your exact test case ?

Sure - Here are pertinent snippets from the log

$ src/Main/fgfs 2<&1 | tee log
FlightGear:  Version unknown version
Built with GNU C++ version 3.3

Scanning command line for: --fg-root=
Scanning D:\home\nhv/.fgfsrc for: --fg-root=
fg_root = d:/home/nhv/FlightGear
Reading global preferences
Finished Reading global preferences
Unable to detect the language
Selecting language: C
Reading localized strings from d:/home/nhv/FlightGear/Translations/strings-default.xml
Scanning command line for: --aircraft=
Scanning D:\home\nhv/.fgfsrc for: --aircraft=
No user specified aircraft, using default
Reading default aircraft: c172 from d:/home/nhv/FlightGear/Aircraft/c172-set.xml
Processing config file: d:/home/nhv/FlightGear/system.fgfsrc
Processing config file: D:\home\nhv/.fgfsrc


load() base search path = d:/home/nhv/FlightGear/Scenery
Loading tile d:/home/nhv/FlightGear/Scenery/w130n30/w122n37/958456
Refreshing timestamps for -122.375 37.5625
scheduling needed tiles for -122.358 37.6137
token = OBJECT_BASE name = 958456.btg
WARNING: ssgLoadAC: Failed to open './Models/Buildings/' for reading
Assertion failed: status == 0, file D:/usr/mingw/include/simgear/threads/SGThread.hxx, 
line 233

> And a dumb question : have you updated and recompiled SimGear ?

I hope that 17-Sep-2003   7:11:50p  is recent enough  < GMT +5 >

AFAICT crash due to not finding "" because it is an absolute path. 

note it is there
$ ls -l d:/home/nhv/FlightGear/Models/Buildings/
-rwxr-xr-x+   1 admins   None         1347 Jul 13 07:04 


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