First the good news : I have a 'shrink-wrapped', double-clickable FlightGear CVS-as-of-today binary working on the Mac.

The bad news - boy is it slow! and big (which may be why it's slow, killing the CPU caches) I need to check what debug info and optimizations are being used, because simgear is coming in at 14mb compiled, and FG at 64mb! (that's including statically linked PLIB, but even still).

On my 700Mhz, Radeon 7500 Mobility equipped iBook, i'm getting 2-3 FPS in the cessna's cockpit, and 4-5 in outside views, or 7-8 if I look away from the model. If i look directly down at the ground (from the tower view, i.e to remove fill-rate / polygon-rate limits as much as possible), I can just about get 19fps

However, I'm getting a new laptop in a couple of days, will see how that improves things!

Anyway, before I can start submitting patches, I need to agree a solution which, alas, affects everyone, thought it's entirely of Apple's making: the OS-X openGL headers are in 'different' places from every other OS.

Essentially, on the mac, we need to do:
        #include <OpenGL/gl.h>
instead of
        #include <GL/gl.h>

For a myriad of reasons, this cannot be symlinked or worked around - the code needs to use a different file on OS-X.

The prior solution which I did (and Curt agreed to, I think), was to make the header file name a #define, define it in config.h via autoconf, But this sucks, because it's easy to end up with the value not defined, which leads to a really odd error. Here's what I'm talking about:

(in config.h or on the command line via -D:)
        #define FG_GLUT_H   <GLUT/glut.h>

(in the file using glut)
        #include FG_GLUT_H

So, my proposed new solution, is to add 3 files to simgear (at the root, beside sg_inlines and so on):

These will all look like:

#ifdef (__APPLE__)
        #include <OpenGL/gl.h>
        #include <GL/gl.h>

Then I will go through, and convert every reference to the open GL headers over to use these new headers.

How does this sound? Acceptable? Hideous?


Morbo finds all humans pathetic

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