Well I don't think we need to go to such extremes so soon unless someone has 
some time on their hands.  :)

It would be nice to at least get it to a point where people can park an 
aircraft on the apron and come back 10 minutes later and find it where they 
left it.

I like the idea of just having some sort of "overide FDM" when stationary.
We can model surface conditions later including water landings for floatplanes 
and snow landings for aircraft with skis.


On Saturday, 15 November 2003 20:20, Jon Berndt wrote:
> Oh, God.  Yes, I went through the mental gyrations for that one a year or
> two ago. It's a "story problem nightmare" when considering how to implement
> with multiple and variable numbers of gear bogeys.  What if you run into
> ice on one gear? What if one gear shows slippage should be occuring? etc. 
> I don't think the "Big Boy" sims even do that.  LaSRS++ purports to do
> something that sounds clever enough, and I may head that direction for
> JSBSim.
> Jon

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