On 11/20/03 at 11:18 AM Jon Stockill wrote:

>On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, David Luff wrote:
>> I assume you're working on UK airfields :-)
>How'd you guess...


>It seems a shame not to be able to taxi up to the RAF c-type hangar I've
>modelled - past the tower and signals square, after flying over an RAF
>station full of H blocks :-)
>Practice with blender really does help you get a LOT faster at this sort
>of thing.
>I'll try and get some pics up later.
>> However, if that's what you want to do (edit and create the raw x-plane
>> type taxiways) then I'll have a hack at it - I reckon about 4 - 6 weeks
>> get something usable by the keen.  It should be quite easy to overlay OS
>> grid lines as well to help you line up.
>That's really what I'm after - although being able to edit the logical
>stuff too so that it can be used with the AI code would also be very
>handy. OS grid lines would really help too. ANYTHING has got to be quicker
>than editing it all by hand and checking the layout in the cgi script I
>did some months ago!

OK, I've hacked something up:

 - Windows Binary (statically linked) [267K]

 - source and makefile for Linux [38K], requires wxGTK-dev.

Taxiways can be individually rotated, translated, and altered in size, and
can be added.  Pressing 'w' writes them out in FG format to ICAO.dat (where
ICAO is the code of the airport being worked on), from where they can be
pasted into runways.dat.  No deletion or undo yet!!! So far it's all using
the keyboard, not the mouse.  The runways cannot be edited, and a real
FlightGear airport probably needs to be loaded to start with (ie. at least
one runway is needed to set the airport position).

Instructions and keys are as below:

 - Needs runways.dat in working directory.  

 - Use 'LoadRawAirport' menu entry and enter ICAO code.  

 - F4/F5 zoom in/out. 

- arrows pan.  

- j/k  - if no taxiways are selected, rotates all taxiways (not runways)
about the *airport* origin.
If a taxiway is selected, rotates that taxiway about the *selected taxiway*
Pressing shift (ie J/K) increases the rotation speed, but reduces the

 - d/f/r/c translate all taxiways if none selected, or only the selected
one if one is selected.
Once again, shift increases speed.

 - t adds a taxiway at the airport origin with selection.

 - l/L increases/decreases the length of a taxiway. (Thats little "el" and
big "el", not "eye" and "el"!!!).

 - o/O increases/decreases the width of a taxiway.

 - w writes out all taxiways in FG format to ICAO.dat.

 - TAB selects the next taxiway (cycles through the list).  One position in
the list is no selection.

 - BACKSPACE selects the previous taxiway.

 - ESC removes the selection from all taxiways.

Please let me know if it works, particularly if it compiles OK.  Feedback
should increase the pace of development :-)

Have fun, looking forward to the screenshots,

Cheers - Dave

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