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On 19 Dec 2003, at 19:03, Andy Ross wrote:

You would need to hook up the reset code as a command, so that Nasal
and other bindings could see it.  But it should work.  One thing that
isn't implemented yet is a SGPropertyListener interface that can be
used from Nasal; you would have to poll the property value just like
the external script would.

Just so you know, I think the *only* code in FG which uses the listener is the patch I submitted to the property browser to make it 'live'. The problem, which was discussed at the time, was that certain properties (eg, 'bound' ones, I think) don't fire listeners correctly. David Megginson and I proposed a few schemes, which would allow keeping both the existing binding interface, but also the existing listener interface : they basically revolve around listeners which poll their SGProperty once per tick : so there is still polling, but it's centralized.

Ideally, many more things would use the listener interface, and thus any polling of properties would be removed from all the other code, and only done if required by the property listeners themselves.

However, I think that large number of properties (all the JSBSim ones?) are of the 'bound' type, so quite a bit of polling would still occur (iff there's a listener on the property).

- --
They are laughing with me, not at me.
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