On Thursday, 8 January 2004 21:03, Erik Hofman wrote:
> Paul Surgeon wrote:
> > Is position 0,0,0 of an aircraft model the same point as 0,0,0 of the
> > JSBSim FDM in FlightGear?
> >
> > I know the JSBSim FDM defines everything using the nose as the origin but
> > I'm trying to figure out if my model and the FDM are lined up correctly.
> No JSBSim does not.
> JSBSim uses an arbitrary location and everything else is relative to
> that location. I for one use the center-front of the nozzle as (0,0,0).
> To align a JSBSim model correctly you should place the static Center of
> Gravity at (0,0,0)
> Erik

So that's what the AC_CGLOC property is for ...
I thought it was the CG offset from the nose!
No wonder the darn thing wouldn't become airborne till it hit 250 knots.  :-)

So if I set the JSBSim FDM CG at (0,0,0) and I model my aircraft CG around 
(0,0,0) in a 3D modeler I won't have to offset anything. Right?

Relativity is all relative to your point of view.


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