On Tuesday 20 January 2004 23:15, Tim Jelliffe wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have a general question regarding the creation of a model. I have been
> working on creating a model of a Learjet 55, using CATIA V5. This is mainly
> because I used this during my degree and am basically familiar with it. I
> am also determined to have a model which is as close to the real thing as
> possible. This means if the fuselage is 2m in diameter, I want the model to
> have a 2m diameter fuselage as well! CATIA is awesome for this. A
> screenshot is at
> http://members.optusnet.com.au/~tjelliffe/Learjet55.jpg
> The problem is that CATIA works with surfaces, as you can see in the pic,
> but things like blender and ac3d seem to use nodes. This makes it hard to
> convert into .ac format. I can save the file as either wrl, stp, igs, or
> cgr file formats. I have tried saving it as a wrl format, and using this
> directly in flightgear. The file size is around 2 Mb, and the frame rate
> drops from ~20 to ~2 fps. I have also tried using the demo version of AC3D,
> and saving directly into .ac format. This still gives very big files
> though.
> Was wondering if anyone has ever done it this way, or if someone can
> suggest a good way to convert it and still get a reasonably sized model
> file out. Thanks
> Tim J

Can CATIA export in .obj format?  I export my models in .obj format and then 
import them into AC3D.


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