Ok, I'm abusing my powers here to ask a really [OT] question. If anyone objects, you definitely wouldn't be out of line. But it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission, right? :-)

I have some really old, as in ancient ventura publishing files that I'd be interesting at cracking open and at least extracting out the important stuff in order to convert to some more modern tool.

I'm seeing extensions like ".WP" and ".WS" which is probably text in word perfect and word star formats.

I'm also seeing extentions like .CAP .CHP .CIF .VGR .CHP .STY .GEM and .PLT

Does this ring a bell for anyone? It's probably 10 year old stuff at least? netbpm supposedly has a GEM converter, but these gem files are older than what the gemtopnm util supports. Ughhh!

I should probably just rm * the whole lot, have a minute of silence, and get on with my life, but I thought I'd ask first ....


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program               FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    curt 'at' me.umn.edu             curt 'at' flightgear.org
Minnesota      http://www.flightgear.org/~curt  http://www.flightgear.org

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