David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Update of /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/data/Aircraft/pa28-161/Models
> In directory baron:/tmp/cvs-serv27479

> Modified Files:
>       pa28-161.ac 
> Added Files:
>       pa28-161-01.rgb panel-tex01.rgb panel-tex02.rgb 
>       panel-tex03.rgb panel.rgb 
> Log Message:
> This is some work I did on the Piper Warrior II a long time ago but
> never checked in.

Hello David, I like your PA-28 very much, but I can't resist to note
that there is one 'feature' that is really annoying (I must admit that
this word is a bit too strong in this context !):
At least in the outside views the aircraft rotate around its nose.
It's difficult to tell if the cockpit view is correct but there are
signs that it suffers from the same effect (this effect already existed
before your recent changes). It would make the aircraft even prettier
if this would get fixed.

We'll have a fully IFR equipped (brand new) Warrior III in our flight
school very soon (the decision doesn't make any sense to me, don't ask
me why they didn't buy an Archer for this purpose). If anyone would be
interested in some cockpit pictures I'll be able to provide them
(although I'm convinced that David will be able to take all pictures
he needs ....  ;-)

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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