I want to share some news that I'm very excited about.

For February and March I am being paid 50% time by ATC Flight Simulators (http://www.atcflightsim.com) to do some work for one of their specific projects.

They are building several simulators for a customer that will be a combination of their cockpit hardware, the FlightGear software, a commercial flight dynamics package, and a proprietary instructor station. These simulators will be FAA certified when they are finished (hopefully by June 1.)

I am doing all the software work for these projects (which is a bit scary and a bit exciting.) :-)

The parts of my paid work that directly involve FlightGear are being contributed back to FG of course. That is something that obviously has to happen because of the FG license terms; but beyond that, it's exciting for a percentage of my time to be paid to work on portions of FlightGear. I hope that more opportunities like this will arise in the future. :-) The parts of my work involving proprietary code clearly have to stay proprietary. We are keeping the open-source code seperate from the proprietary code by dividing it up into entirely seperate applications.

For what it's worth, everyone who has seen our early prototypes has been very impressed and we have received a lot of positive feedback. The visual system is 100% FlightGear, the instrument panel rendering is 100% flightgear, the systems modeling is 100% flightgear, the whole flightgear infrastructure is 100% flightgear. :-) The use of FlightGear for this project is a bit of an experiment/risk for ATC, but so far everything has been working out far above expectations.

Long term, I'm very hopeful that this project with ATC will be a stunning success and we can continue to develop a positive symbiotic relationship with them. I'm out to prove that FlightGear is a huge win for their simulators, and in return, (hopefully) they will continue to use FG for future projects and thus have a need to pay me and others to do specific project work for them that will get contributed back to FG.

Anyway, the short version of this message is that I'm getting paid 50% of my time to work on flight simulators for the next two months which is very exciting!

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program               FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    curt 'at' me.umn.edu             curt 'at' flightgear.org
Minnesota      http://www.flightgear.org/~curt  http://www.flightgear.org

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