On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 17:28:12 -0600
 "Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Martin Spott wrote:

Oooops, I wonder if we ever get the chance to do real testing before a release. I'm very well aware that this is primarily Curt's project

I apologize if the schedule was a bit compressed, but I have to work within the constraints of my own spare time too, since I have a full time job and a family to juggle along with everything else. I have to take my spare time slots when I can get them. It can take several hours to roll out a new release, significantly more than that if it's been a while since the last release. I estimate I put 30-40 hours into getting the 0.9.3 release ready.

I can certainly sympathize with this, but does it make things harder to let the pre-releases sit there a bit longer, though? Even if it turns out that an opportune time passes by and they have to sit there a couple of days or a week longer, is that a bad thing?


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