On Thu, 2004-05-20 at 05:17, David Megginson wrote:
> Jon Berndt wrote:
> > Thanks, David. There are a couple of things I can think of to do, here. One is 
> > that I sure
> > wish I had time to make a DATCOM model of the C-172 that could give me some aero 
> > data for
> > comparison. But with my schedule now I can't make any promises, but I will get to 
> > this
> > someday! The second comment is that it ought to be possible to get some real 
> > numbers for
> > you pretty quickly from comparable aircraft. I think I can do that tonight or 
> > tomorrow.
> > Third, there are some equations that ought to shed some light on things. Fourth, 
> > it will
> > be interesting to see if pilot perceptions suggest altering all/most coefficients 
> > in the
> > same direction for all aircraft in order to give the perception of proper flight
> > characteristics.
> That is a tricky issue, because using spring-loaded controllers gives a 
> significantly different feel than fully-loaded aircraft controls, and there 
> is always a danger of altering the flight characteristics to compensate for 
> the control differences.
> To try to avoid that problem this time, I tried to concentrate on rates (how 
> fast the plane could bank, pitch, and yaw), coupling (how much adverse yaw a 
> particular bank causes and how much bank a particular yaw causes), and 
> recovery (how the plane recovers from a yaw or pitch disturbance).  I 
> deliberately ignored control feel.  The model I posted seems a lot closer to 
> what I remember of the 172 and what I observe in my PA-28, but 
> unfortunately, I do not currently have measurements to test it against.

Another good way to take the controls out of it are with the Dutch roll
and phugoid characteristics.  Once the initial rudder and elevator
inputs, respectively, are complete the aircraft response should be about
the same. 

> All the best,
> David
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