On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 08:32:25 +0200, Boris wrote in message 

> [OT]
> Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> > On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 23:50:01 +0200, Florian wrote in message 
> >>I dont need a specific bird. The user should be able to steer easily
> >>but still using his muscles. It should be sports after all. The
> >>simulation is merely a motivation.
> > 
> > 
> > ..get evil; model say a Gossamer Condor or whatever these pedal
> > powered Channel crossing planes were called, _truthfully_, including
> > the pedal power to power the sim computer at 300 - 450W or whatever
> > it was.  ;-)
> that sounds certainly like a lot of fun - I remember an expo some time
> ago where you were allowed to (try to) power a bulb, fan, radio or
> even TV by using merely pedal power ...
> Nobody managed to get the TV working, though :-)
> >>>YES, it would propably be very interesting to meet a confused
> >pigeon>>at FL350 :-)
> >>
> >>lol. :)
> >>I consider the confused pigeon to be the logo for the software.. ;)
> > 
> > 
> > ..make it sweaty.  ;-)
> ...at that altitude that sounds a bit nasty, or does it have
> anti-icing equipment onboard ? ;-)

..hummmm, flapping wings?  ;-)

> ...of course Erik's penguin could possibly be able to deal with the
> icing part, on the other hand how do get it up to FL350 - probably
> only by dropping it from something like FL1000 ? :-)

..naaah, flap a bit harder.  ;-)
> At least we wouldn't have to care for the (lack of) lift anymore, I
> think a penguin's body would probably make for a good illustration of
> the lifted wing body concept ;-)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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