Florian Schießl wrote:


My Name is Florian Schiessl, im 26, I write my master thesis in electrical engineering right now. I have been following the FlightGear project for some time now, and want first to make you a compliment that it is great that there are people working for this great and free project.

I make my master thesis about the development of a virtual sports game. The user will be hanging in some sports machine. He can move his arms and feet and fly like a bird. Sensors pick up the movement. He can fly through a virtual reality that is represented on a computer display.

I develop the simulation software. I want to use Flight Gear as a basic structure. I have some questions regarding your oppinions what the best place or method for implementeing some features is.
I will pulbish everything under the GPL. And It will still be obvious for the user that FlightGear is the basic software. I dont want do change stuff in the source code of FlightGear, so that it is a real addon. But of course, for some features written code could be useful for Flightgear. The property system seems to be very powerfull, but I havent still found out all details. Maybe u can help me.

1. GUI question.
I want to have a startup that is in the middle of the screen where the user can choose the scenarios he wants to do. I dont need the menu bar. The user needs to input some dates like weight, height, gender.
Can I start FlightGear with some start parameters that would allow that ?

It might be just as easy to write your own launcher / operator gui and have it communicate remotely with FG via the "telnet" properties interface.

2. Panels
I would need some panels that show stuff like burned calories or flown meters. I also need to keep some kind of Highscore board. This should be easy with the XMLs ?

The xml instrument configuration is very flexible to draw just about anything if you have the data available in the property tree.

3. I need a new flight model, that is similar to a birds flight model. Is there something like it or can i bend one of the existing to be satisfying.

You might look at the "ornithopter" which has flapping action ... otherwise you might just want some sort of ultra-ultralight design where the human power get's converted into a standard propeller.

4. I need an abstract flight scenario, where there is no real landscape but maybe a red floor, a green canyon and blue walls.(the colors were just for the example) Can i use terragear for that ?

You could probably just create a simple model of the abstract landscape with something like blender/creator/3d-studio/etc. and then just import that into the flightgear scenery. If you start inside your box, you will never see the surrounding terrain, or you could even disable the surrounding terrain.

5. I need a network modus where two players can fly against each other. Is the network modul already able to do this or do I need to rewrite or enhance it. I would submit these changes of course to the offical source code if requested.

I haven't played around with the multiplayer stuff ... I know it isn't completely flexible towards everything we need to do in FG, but it may already do what you need?

6. I need to be able to add objects dynamically to the virtual reality. For example, i plan to have a scenario where the user hast to fly through gates in the right order within a specific time. Is it possible allready just with the properties system or do i need to write code.

You can create a variety of model animation based on properties ... you could just as easily animate your scenery and create a list of properties that are used to toggle objects on and off.

7. Is there a collition detection in the code ? I want the user to be able to collect for example coins that hang in the mid air. :)

You probably need to write something yourself for that ... (?) unless you can come up with something more creative than I can at the moment.

8. Is there a "shoot on each other code" in FlightGear. I would like to have a mutliplayer modus where two players can hunt each other down by shooting. (always remember that they have to do real sport to manuveur in the game) :)

You probably need to add your own code for this.

9. Can I add a new vrml model that represents a human hanging in some kind of glider.

I don't know how well we support vrml, but most likely you can find a tool that converts vrml into something that FG does support reasonably well.



Curtis Olson http://www.flightgear.org/~curt HumanFIRST Program http://www.humanfirst.umn.edu/
FlightGear Project http://www.flightgear.org
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