"David Luff" wrote:

> The core part of TaxiDraw's project files gets written out in whichever
> data format you originally loaded the data from - either X-Plane or
> FlightGear.

O.k., I moved my airport over to X-Plane format. For this purpose I
modified the current but inaccurate definition in my copy of Robin's
recent data set to the following:

10  49.022223  5.888922 05x  48.35   7858    60.0553  902.0902  148 111111 01 0 2 0.25 

Now i start TaxiDraw, load this as a 'new' airport and save it into a
project file. The runway definition now looks like this:

10  49.022223  005.888922 05x  48.35   7858   60.0553  902.0901  148 111111 01 0 2 
0.25 1

TaxiDraw always shortens the blast strip by one foot. This is not
really harmful but a bit irritating ....

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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