Martin Spott wrote:

Jon Stockill wrote:

Runways aren't just flat sloping planes though - the slope may not be constant. Several runways have a hump in the middle, or a slope at just one end.

I believe for the purpose of outlining the runway in order to get the
aircraft down in one piece it is absolutely sufficient to have an

Right, the question is how far do you want to take it. Do you want to get down close enough to see the runway and finish the landing visually? Do you want to fly and land 100% blind to the real world? Maybe the original poster is remotely flying a UAV rather than a real aircraft, so transitioning to visual flight might not be an option?

We did a real world project here where we developed a HUD for ground vehicles (snow plows, state patrol, and ambulances.) The HUD displayed lane boundaries and radar/laser targets, as well as other statically mapped objects such as mail boxes, guard rails, and jerzey barriers. We did a test with a state patrol car where we mapped and drove a closed loop track (Brainerd International Raceway). The drives were done 100% blind, 100% from HUD only. Our HUD system was differential gps based with an update rate of 10hz and it worked amazingly well. We used real state patrol drivers for the study and there must have been some sort of behind the scenes wager amongst themselves for who could get through the first turn the fastest because many of these guys drove insanely fast. I drove the course once, and knowing what I knew about the system and technology, I took things a *lot* slower. :-) In the end though, the system worked flawlessly, and the closest thing we had to a mishap was almost hitting a deer.



Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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