Gerhard Wesp wrote:

Hmm... About what resolution are we talking here?

Generally, 90m SRTM.

What additional data do you have available for the runways? I guess you
have it's position (two endpoints? center point, direction, length?)
and ``elevation''? Commonly, the runway elevation at both thresholds
is given in the approach plates, is this data available?

Often, elevation of each touch down point is available, although that is not included in Robin's database.

How about the following KISS solution: Do a first- or second-order
approximation of the elevation of the centerline (least squares).
Define the runway using its width, this centerline and no sideways

This [wc]ould cause problems in places where runways intersect and doesn't account for the surface of all the taxiways and the rest of the airport, and it doesn't help blend the airport cleanly into the surrounding terrain.

For what it's worth, I believe I have beaten the nurbs approach into submission (mostly) and I hope that the next scenery release will be an incremental improvement over the last one, with better surface matching to the underlying dem, but with fewer odd artificats (I believe I have eliminated those 5m drop offs that occured in the middle of a very few runways.)



Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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