Martin Spott wrote:
"Curtis L. Olson" wrote:

I could also wish a few things.

1. That we treat everyone with respect.

Yes please, with no exception!! The logical consequence would be that you (and maybe Arthur as well) give a _credible_ signal to us that you respect our faith as much as yours - instead of dividing the list menbers into the ones that share your belief and the 'inferior' ones that either share a different belief or are non-religious.

I really would like this to end. The matter has been resolved because Arthur removed the offending document. Because of his strong believes I even think that's generous.

I also didn't see any sign that Curt didn't respect anyone, in fact his responses have been rather neutral. If you push this any further we might even lose Curt as a project admin, I for one would not like to see that happen.

Please, let's move on.


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