I've found "Geotrans Translator v.2.2.5" software; I tried using it for converting from WGS84/NUTM33 to WGS84/Geodetic coordinates and I had some not very good results.
I don't know if I am making something wrong with that software or the starting coordinates are not accurate (although they should be :-)
I'll investigate more and download GDAL too. Let's see.

Do you know Geotrans too? Is it of any value?

If this is the NIMA Geotans tool,  it is an excellent tool.


Yes it is. But I'm not very happy with that. Maybe it's just me (I'm totally new to those coordinates systems) or the fgfs scenery are not accurate enough. Anyway the first results are not very satisfying. Objects placed into fgfs scenery, using the coordinates which Geotrans converted for me, are in the wrong place.
Maybe I'm missing something. Are experienced with that Geotrans? May I send you some test files and double check with you what I am doing so to be shure it's not me doing it wrong?

   Thx in advance,

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