Steve Hosgood wrote:
On Wed, 2005-04-06 at 18:13, Josh Babcock wrote:

Arnt Karlsen wrote:

On Tue, 05 Apr 2005 22:22:48 -0400, Josh wrote in message

Be warned, racy but authentic nose art...

..cute. We need more of these, to remain authentic. ;o)

Yeah, this is an excellent opportunity to spread some historical information...

Well, I wasn't planning on claiming any great accuracy of the flight model, though I will try and make the appearance and systems as close as I can. It's actually not that complex of a plane, except for a few features like the gun targeting computer (yup, i said targeting computer) that won't be modeled anyway. And no, I haven't had the pleasure of flying a B-29 :) There are however those who still fly one (soon to be two), and at some point I will invite them to try this one out and give some input. I don't really expect to get any though.

I was thinking more along the lines of providing a brief written synopsis of the history of the plane and the firebombing of Japan, which I think is a very underreported part of WWII history. Few people realize that Hiroshima was just barely the most deadly raid, and not even the most destructive. Nagasaki didn't even come in second in either category. In fact, it was Tokyo that lost the largest number of lives throuought the whole campiagn. It kind of puts all the fuss about displaying the 'Enola Gay' at the Smithsonian in perspective. There are some great histories out there and I have read several doing research for this project. I'd like to share some of what I have learned.


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