On Wednesday 13 April 2005 19:34, Lee Elliott wrote:
> Hello all,
> This is probably one for Andy R.
> I've got two flight models in development that use the YASim
> turbine engine and although they both solve and fly reasonably
> (bearing in mind that they are both pre-alpha and I've done
> less than 15 minutes on each) the fuel flow figures are of the
> order of several hundred million gallons/hour.  No - that's
> not a typo - several hundred millions of gallons per hour.
> Heh - although I said that they flew reasonably well for first
> attempts I should have added that this was with empty fuel
> tanks - as soon as the sim starts the tanks are drained:)
> There's a .tar.gz of the TU-114 YASim config on-line at
> http://www.overthetop.freeserve.co.uk/TU-114-yasim.tar.gz
> While there's certainly a lot of guesswork in the config I
> can't see, or even imagine, anything that would lead to these
> fuel-flow rates.
> The second 'problem' may not be a problem at all but just a
> mis-configuration in the same TU-114 config.  Although I've
> included contra="1" tags I still appear to be getting prop
> induced roll.
> I've also included moment tags but these are un-calculated
> place holder figures until I can work some proper numbers out
> but I thought that these were effectively ignored if
> contra="1" was included.
> LeeE

Oops - ignore the prop induced roll problem - the Right Outer 
engine needs a crucial '-' inserted in front of the propeller y 
loc - doh.


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