> Does anyone know of any aircraft models for any UAV's? I don't really care
> if it's a fixed wing or a rotary aircraft, but I'd like to find something
> like a Predator or an X-35 UCAV or GLobal Hawk or Hunter or somethign along
> those lines. I really don't need much of a cockpit (if any), just a visual
> model and airframe and flight model.
> Anyone know of any sources?

A predator model is available here:


It will be in MDL format, which works in FlightGear, however if you want to 
animate any part of it you'll have to convert it to *.ac format.

For the flight dynamics model I recommend aeromatic (but then I would, because 
I wrote it :-).  It can be found here (on menu bar at left) :



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