Hi.  Just as a request, you might wanna set a line length of <80 chars
or so (74 is good).  Your lines are coming across many lines long, thus
difficult to read on some clients and through web interfaces (like the
one I'm currently stuck using, unfortunately).

> The bad news, is that with terrain files, it either doesn't start
> at all, or starts with frame rates on the order of 1 per every 10
> seconds.
> When it doesn't start, it's killed by the kernel for exhausting all
> of my 500MB of ram and 1GB of swap (ouch!).  I've tried running it
> with everything disabled I could think of: specular highlighting,
> textures, enhanced lighting, etc. etc..  It would still either fail
> to start, or start and be unusably slow.

Can you be more specific?  What command are you using to start up
fgfs, and what are the contents of your .fgfsrc?

Previous times that stuff like this has happened, it's been because
people have set absurdly high values for things like visibility
in their .fgfsrc.



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