Le mercredi 25 mai 2005 à 19:56 -0500, Dave Culp a écrit :
> Lately I've been flying around German terrain and have been getting an FDM 
> freeze at seemingly random occasions after flying for ten minutes or so.  
> Here's a screenshot of the freeze:
>            http://home.comcast.net/~davidculp2/fdm_freeze.jpg
> The user airplane is frozen, but other things keep running fine.  The AI 
> aircraft keep going, as does the clock, frame rate, GUI, key bindings, mouse. 
> It looks like just the FDM froze.  Anyone else getting this?
> BTW, the HUD lat/lon *never* matches the "actual" lat/lon, so I don't think 
> that has anything to do with it.
> Dave
> _______________________________________________
    That happen often for me with message on the console:

   FGInterface is beeing called without scenery below the aircraf


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