* Sam Heyman -- Friday 03 June 2005 02:46:
> How does one create a new texture for a .ac model? Which programs are 
> best suited?

Textures need to be in the SGI image format with size 2^n * 2^m.
Often they are 256*256, 512*512, 1024*1024, but 128*1024 does work, too.
They are in SGI format, which uses different extensions: *.rgb, *.rgba,
*.sgi, *.bw, *.al. The extensions are only hints for the user. There's
no formal difference between *.rgb and *.rgba. People often call that
format "RGB format".

Either use:

* gimp:
  - save as foo.rgb and select "SGI" in the "Determine Filetype" selector
    (Don't use "By extension", because that creates some other *.rgb" format)

  - or save as foo.sgi and then rename to foo.rgb

* any graphics program. Save to any format. But then convert to SGI using
  ImageMagick's "convert:

    $ convert foo.jpeg sgi:foo.rgb

* blender: these are only drafts and have to be finished in gimp etc.
  but you can create very useful object outlines, and even draw directly
  on the texture while it is applied to the object! It'll save to TGA
  (Targa) format and you'd have to convert that to SGI again.

* KDE's kolourpaint does write SGI images, too, just like any other KDE
  program that can write images.


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