Well - it's not really a serial driver, the interface connects thru the 
handshake lines rts/cts and dtr with rxd and txd left unconnected since the 
LTC1090 speaks a synchronous protocol.

I have no Idea how to present a Joystick to the kernel out of userland. And 
second - correct me, if I'm wrong - I think, there is no way to set rts 
and/or dtr via ioctl or other portable api? I would love to get rid of a 
kernel module and start some kind of userspace-daemon.


Am Montag, 6. Juni 2005 19:31 schrieb Andy Ross:
> Wow, very cool.
> Torsten Dreyer wrote:
> > This is a kernel module for a linux 2.6 kernel on ix86 machines with
> > 8250/16450 serial ports (standard pc hardware).
> > Comments *ARE* welcome!
> >
> > Anybody out there, who can point me to a resource for developing joystick
> > drivers for MS?
> No hints about windows, sorry.  But why are you doing a custom serial
> driver?  Surely the hardware handles the proper RS-232 framing on its
> own, no?  Can't you do this in userspace?
> Andy

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