* Jim Wilson -- Wednesday 13 July 2005 01:11:
[dialog transparency]
> As far as making it user adjustable,  that sounds great.

It *is* user adjustable, just like most of fgfs:

  (1) Edit the XML file.  :-)
  (2) $ fgfs --prop:/sim/gui/colors/background/alpha=0.8
  (3) change this value in the property browser and re-init the GUI
      (could be automated with a key binding)

But there was a bug that I introduced very late, after which I hadn't
tested transparency any more. This is fixed in CVS, but I'm sure there
are other bugs left. The style is still available as

   http://members.aon.at/mfranz/test-style.xml  [3 kB]

and can be tested like this:

   $ fgfs --config=/tmp/test-style.xml

updating plib to CVS/HEAD is recommended. (Otherwise text starting
from negative coordinates disappears.) Further plib fixes to come.


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