On Friday 12 August 2005 15:08, Ralf Gerlich wrote:
> Hi,
> Jon Berndt schrieb:
> > I agree, though, that it would be cool to have a stereo flight simulator.
> > I've got no idea on the mechanics of the visuals though - how that could
> > be implemented.
> Actually, red-green/blue-glasses could suffice for the "average" user.
> I'm no OpenGL-expert (yet ;-), but I wonder if it could be possible to
> render two passes for each frame and mixing them the same way you did
> (manually?) in your anaglyphs.
> I'd _love_ to see something like that. ;-)
> Ralf

Foobillard http://foobillard.sunsite.dk has an OpenGL stereo anaglyph mode. 
Its also GNU/GPL so you can look at the source code.

Just for the record, the anaglyph mode is a nightmare for eye-strain - many 
times worse than independent stereo IMHO.

Dave Martin.

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