Hi Ralf,
I am a pure FlightGear user (since very early versions) and scanning the 
developers mailing list regularly.
After your announcement I first flew the scenery from EDNY two days ago and now 
downloaded, installed your improvements and did several VFR flights with my 
ICAO chart and a more detailled street chart. Congrats! This is really a big 
step forward to increase the possibility of realistic VFR flying (next version 
with modelled NOVEMBER and ECHO :-) ?).
I did some improvements of my local scenery the last 2 months with FlightGear Scenery Designer (which works pretty well) but to get instructions how to do it more economicly with GISS tools would be very nice!!! As TerraGear only works under LINUX I also did a Fedora Linux install this morning and will be sweating the next weeks to get familiar with "your" OS as development for FG seems to be easier with the "right" basics (there are also other reasons to do some more work under LINUX now :-) ). As I did more then 2/3 of my simming time with FlightGear the last months I already decided to improve the local scenery which is pretty usable but too wrong in detail. With your help (tutorial) and after getting LINUX and TerraGear to a point where I can use it I would like to do so and (naturally) share my work with all interested when there will be a place to put it.
Thank you once again for sharing your work with us
(vielen Dank, Ralf!)
Best regards
Georg EDDW Bremen

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