Martin Spott a écrit :

In your case buying the "Accelerated-X" server is probably the better
choice. These X servers are not that bad nowadays and you have the
chance to test it against your favourite application before buying.
You still have to investigate how much trouble you'll get into while
merging the Server with your system because Accelerated-X comes with
their own OpenGL libraries which have their very special interface to
communicate to the X server.
At least this will be much cheaper than buying a Sparc that is capable
of running FlightGear. You'll need at least a XVR-600, better an
XVR-1000 to run FlightGear on Solaris/Sparc,

OK, thank's : that is effectively an idea. Also i will visit the annual (october) data processing exposition in my country (Nancy) and i hope to find a Sun part in this.

For the moment i will use my second disk (Fedora) for the simulator and also the music editor (after DRI, ALSA...).

But have finally learned a lot about all those questions, this before reinstalling properly my sol 10 and waiting sol 11...

- Sorry for non-Solaris people... One day, if he are brave, he will can also...


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