Kitts wrote:

This looks brilliant! The synthetic view kinda looked brighter than the real thing in the picture ;-)

Are you flying the craft through the computer's joystick or using a standard R/C? or even better, an autopilot system? Just curious! :-)

We are currently flying 100% manually with a standard R/C transmitter. We have a $2000 autopilot purchased for this project, but it's a lot of do-it-yourself work and we just got it, so we don't have it flying yet.

I cant wait to get my model up in the air! (Have I mentioned here that i am working on a similar thing as my hobby?)

This stuff can be a lot of fun, and does a great job at keeping you poor. :-) I have my own hobby uav project that isn't very far along. I haven't tinkered with it too much now that I am more involved in this project through my university.


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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