This would require someone to maintain the project files. I plan on
leaving the FlightGear project soon after the 0.9.9 release so
wouldn't be able to.


If the project files were in cvs, then you personally wouldn't have to maintain them. Whoever needed to use them would see about updating them so that others could use their work (in a perfect world). 8-)

I think it would avoid duplication of work -- i.e., multiple people each doing their own xcode file and make the work done like yours easier to find. At a minimum, maybe there could be a document pointing to the cygwin doc and your macflightgear project on sourceforge?

Personally, I think in the source tree is much easier to find...

Sorry to hear you're leaving after 0.9.9. Thanks for all the work you've put into flightgear!

Take care!


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