On Thursday 05 January 2006 14:55, Martin Spott wrote:
> In other words (with a not that negative touch) this would say: We'd
> appreciate if ATC/AI developers would keep such a scenario in mind when
> they plan changes to this stuff.
> You can't doubt that voice ATC is reality, not only in real life but in
> desktop flight simulation as well. Why should FlightGear negate heading
> for this direction ?
> Martin.

[Since this mail turned out to become rather lengthy, I decided it might be 
better to continue this thread under a new subject name]. 

I still haven't firmly decided how ATC should interact with AI traffic, but 
that these systems should be integrated has always been part of my 
overarching design plan. Since my AI developments are based on extending the 
AIModels code, this would naturally move toward a fully integrated system. 

My global thoughts on a possible AI-based ATC system is that is going to be a 
module that monitors the behavior of AIModel aircraft in a certain sector, 
and that has the capability of overriding the preprogrammed AIAircraft 
routing commands to avoid conflict situations, or whatever. Information about 
this overriding behavior would then in parallel be sent in the form of a 
verbal instruction to a virtual radio unit and received in the users cockpit, 
by voice or text message, if the  user's radio is tuned to the right 

My plan is also, however, not to start working on integrating the AI system 
until after the basic AI routing system is finished.

FWIW, I have now finished the following parts of the AI traffic system:

- A global routing system, that is capable of letting AIModels based aircraft 
fly a rotating sequence of flights between two or more airports, that is, any 
airport in FlightGear's database. 

- Taxiway following at selected airports (currently only implemented for my 
hometown airport, but more network files are under development)

- Rudimentary support for ground network editing in David Luff's excellent 
Taxidraw program, so that users can add taxiway following for [name your 
favorite airport here]

- Very early development code for a routing table editor

- Dynamic preferential runway use, based upon wind, time-of-day, noise 
abatement procedures, and other possible restrictions.

I'm currently trying to clean up a few rough edges with respect to AIModels 
ground handling and in the mean time I'm thinking about what my next 
development goals for this year will be going to be. I haven't firmly decided 
yet, but I'm considering starting to tackle airway following code, which is 
in a way quite similar to the ground network. In addition to that, I'm also 
trying to continue working on developing the ground network editor and the 
routing table editor. All 'n' all, there's still enough to do. :-)


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