"dene maxwell" wrote:

> I regret any offence I may have caused you. Given that this not the first 
> time I have caused you personal offence. After careful consideration I feel 
> it is prudent that I hang up the keyboard on the developer lists, at least 
> until such time as I can afford hardware that will allow me to provide valid 
> comments in the context of new developments.

Posting "valid comments" does not depend on the hardware that's sitting
on your desk. The one thing is about writing comments, the other thing
is about running FlightGear. Sure, it eases talking about the current
development if you actually can run it, but not being able to run it
does not hinder you from posting "valid comments" - just stick to those
areas that you actually _can_ comment on.

Look, the computer I use at my desk is being able to run FlightGear at
4 fps as long as I disable every sort of nifty features and place the
aircraft at the startup position on a small, flat island (EDWJ) - BTW,
this island looks very unrealistic in FG but this is a different topic.
This isn't thrilling but at least I can verify if the binary is still
compiling and running after the latest changes. I don't claim that I
always post "valid comments", but at least I _could_ do so if I wanted
to ....

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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