> There's another request: Is anybody on this list who has experience in
> createin live-CD's like Knoppix ? It would be nice to have a FlightGear
> live-CD to give away - or at least to have a CD image on out FTP
> mirrors that we can point at.

    I have done some live cds stuff for work. And in fact I'm also in
progress of making a linux live usb flash drive myself too.

    My feeling is making a live cd that runs FG is not hard. The tricky
part would be having it to automagically setup things like X with good
3d hardware acceleration, or perhaps joysticks, etc.

    For example with nvidia cards we might need to download, install and
configure X by itself at boot time, as we probably can't just ship the
nvidia proprietary driver(?)

    But anyway, I'm willing to help and spend sometime looking into


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