On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, Drew Kirkpatrick wrote:

If no one has any ideas I'll probably
put some print statements in the flightgear code, or write my own
listener to make sure that the udp isn't getting garbled on the


This is just a shot in the dark - but are you sure the struct/object you are sending has the same representation on both of your computers?
From the code you posted it looks like you are sending the in-memory
representation of a struct or object and that might be different across different platforms, operating systems or even compilers.

IFAIK one would normally explicitly arrange/marshal the data into a well defined format before sending it and likewise decode it from that format at the receiver. This is a bit more work but it avoids a lot of problems w.r.t. portability and interoperability. :)

Best regards,

Anders Gidenstam
"Luck is my middle name," said Rincewind, indistinctly. "Mind you,
 my first name is Bad."
-- (Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times) ------------------------------------------------------------------
| Anders Gidenstam            | Tel: 031-230645     070-296 1707 |
| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | WWW: www.cs.chalmers.se/~andersg |
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