Hello Stefan

 Stefan Seifert writes

The 737-300 is missing the nose gear animations: turning and compression. Looked at it yesterday, but it's not as easy as it was with the old model because the nosewheel seems not to be a named object anymore. Have to find out how I can give it a name. Did the wheels turn in the old model? Can't remember anymore, but they surely don't do it in the 737-300.

That is correct those two animations are missing and if you would like to
do them again that would be great.
Here are the objects that now make up the nose gear.


So rotating everything from " collar" down should do the steering.
And compressing everthing from "nlowerstrut" down should do the
Did the wheels rotate as in aircraft rolling along the ground then no.
Did they rotate as in nosewheel steering then yes I think so.


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