Andy Ross wrote:
> [redirecting to flightgear-devel]

> If audio is required, then this ought to be tied to turbulence also,
> or maybe to instantaneous acceleration changes (a delta of more than
> YYY m/s^2 over the last 0.XX seconds triggers the start of a "whump"
> sound).

I have been thinking about the audio aspect for a while, though not in
the context of stalls. I think that a broader approach of linking
certain sounds such as rattles and whumps to various types of changes in
 acceleration and some calculated vibration property would add a lot of
realism. This would buy you sound from turbulence, violent maneuvers,
wheel rolling, and wind shear.

Unfortunately I have not had a chance to play with the idea yet, but I
do have some handwritten notes that I would be willing to share. It
would be nice to have a script for all the models to use that would
provide a few easy to link to properties for various mechanical sounds.


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