Martin Spott wrote:

>Hmm, do M$F$ and X-Plane use different ellipsoids for their scenery ?
>To my understanding as long as both use an international acknowledged
>reference system like WGS84, then there should not be the requirement
>for a reference point.
>Everything in FlightGear that relates to landcover schema is WGS84 and
>I assume the SRTM elevation data is as well - did I miss something ?

The issue is that the specific elevation of a specific point on the 
earth can be different between sims.  Consider Sim "A" that flattens 
airports to they are a single consistant elevation across the entire 
airport surface.  Now contrast that with Sim "B" that lets airport 
surfaces generally follow the lay of the land so that the runways have 
realistic humps and depressions as you look down their length.

Now, when an aircraft is at ground level in Sim "A", it won't be exactly 
at ground level in Sim "B".  Sim "C" might have a different idea of the 
exact ground level across the surface of an airport.

Now if all of these simulators participate in a multiplayer environment, 
aircraft taxiing along the ground in one sim, will probably always be 
too high or two low in the other two sims. 

One resolution is to force all simulators to use the exact same scenery 
model.  Another possible solution would be to transmit height above 
ground.  But this could be very computationally intensive to resolve 
into an actual altitude for the clients and some sims may not have that 
capability.  Also, what happens if the reference point on the 747 in Sim 
"A" is a different place that the 747 in Sim "B"?

The main problem here is when aircraft from other simulators taxi around 
airports.  Unfortunately, this is one of the most interesting things to 
look at.  FG could perhaps come up with a heuristic for deciding when an 
aircraft has WOW and force it to ground level.  Again, that could begin 
to cost us computationally if there are many aircraft to adjust, but 
it's something we could do if we wanted to.


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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