Forums Virgin Net wrote:

> *A great BIG Thank You*
> *to RAThomas, :o)*
>                            The sliding issue in Concorde appears to have 
> been fixed,

Thanks for the vote of confidence, but let me be clear that I don't 
consider it to be fully fixed. Yes, we have found something which seems 
to correct the gross misbehavior, but I'm uncomfortable with some 
aspects of this "fix." The fact that no Linux users have yet reproduced 
the problem and 1 out of 3 reporting Windows users have not been able to 
so indicates at least another level of problem.

My take: We could be looking at a source level problem that is somehow 
covered for or not by the compiler depending on its characteristics and 
settings. AndersG suggested "It might be some kind of missing variable 
initialization."  Or we may have a similar issue which is only related 
to the compiler and/or its settings, not the source code.

If the latter, we should find and fix it so we can be confident that 
Windows users won't be affected after the coming release.  If the 
former, it could be something that may appear dormant but with some 
small perturbation could wreak havok again.
Reagan Thomas

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