A great BIG Thank You
to RAThomas, :o)
                           The sliding issue in Concorde appears to have been 
fixed, I am currently doing a test flight and their do seem to be some 
anomolies or perhaps unrelated instability's?

Observations and comparisons: Stability
During cruising at 51,200 feet the fuel pumping seems to be erratic (It froze 
for a while in #6), the fuel in tank number 6 was not being pumped to tanks 1 & 
2 this causing a balance problem, however unselecting cross bleed tanks balance 
and re-selecting it corrects it? very strange never seen this before!

Some instruments on the second (P) panel display seem to be giving wrong 
readings, slightly higher than usual! ?

The earlier bug with the control Ailerons and pitching is still buggy and 
causes stalls or dives, so this is another issue unrelated to the nice fix that 
RAThomas found, for the sliding issue :o)

Their is slightly more banking (Rocking Motion) between wing tips at supersonic 
flight than is usual !

Regards - Aerotro

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