On 12/10/2007, drew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have my .fgfsrc file set up so I start on the run-up area just off the main
> runway at KSFO:
> --lat=37.612451
> --lon=-122.357858
> --heading=026
> so I have the time to do pre-flight checks (and explore the cockpit and
> README's of new and unfamiliar a/c) without clogging up the threshold.

If you want to be even more realistic, you can start on the GA apron
off taxiway C north of firehall #2.  From the following diagram, it
looks like longitude 122 23.0 W (-122.383333) and latitude 37 37.7 N
(37.638333) should do the trick, with a heading of around 150 deg T so
that you're parked sideways to the FBO:


You can read about the actual Signature FBO here:


All the best,


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