Ive kicked this off with a request for _simplex_ comms and a wee moan about 
voice quality.

I used squawkBox once a couple of years back - I cant honestly remeber how the 
voice quality sounded. Can anyoine enlighten me? How realistic does it sound?
The ATC chatter we have is pretty realistic - obviously recorded by someone 
with a newish scanner somewhere near Heathrow EGLL - in terms of volume 
quality and random spurious noises and clicks -  note the variations in 
perceived volume of the different calling stations.  These aircraft however 
are all commercial operations, the radios found in GA aircraft will in some 
cases sound a bit rougher.

Please note -- Im used to hearing ATC chatter in the UK --probably a LOT 
different in the rest of Europe and the US. I don't know how the ATC chatter 
we have sounds to the rest of you guys both in terms of content and quality.

Best Regards
Willie Fleming


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